Do you already use company ID cards in your company?
Then you certainly know these annoying situations:

When logging in
Every time you log on to your computer, you have to take out your card and insert it into the reader - and when you leave? Don't forget the card!

On the road
You are on the road and want to quickly open an encrypted document on your computer. However, by the time you have dug your smart card out of your pocket, you have almost arrived at your destination.

Open doors
The doors in your company only open with your smartcard. If you forget it, you have to go back to the office. So you'll be late for an appointment again!

At the cash desk
At the checkout in your company canteen, you usually pay with your smart card. But if you forget it, your colleague has to pay for you once again.
Or you simply want to enjoy the password-free login at your workplace?
Then you usually deal with the following topics:

Passwordless Authentication
How can I use "Passwordless Authentication" with Microsoft Azure AD or OKTA and other IAM on my end devices securely and easily?
How can I improve the user experience with passwordless login with strong authentication?
Data protection
Data protection is very important to us. Therefore, we would prefer a secure solution with the "IT SECURITY MADE IN GERMANY" seal.
USB token
USB tokens are either forgotten, lost or get stuck in the device. No problem with our wireless solution. Just put it in your pocket and nothing will be forgotten anymore.
Constantly in and out
Constantly taking USB tokens in and out is annoying for me and my staff. Finally, put an end to it. Enjoy the freedom of wireless, secure and strong authentication.
No matter which solution you use today: As soon as you leave your workplace, all your data is unprotected! Order your "upgrade" for automatic protection of your workplace when you leave with automatic logout & lock. (available Q3/21)
Whether you want to use passwordless logon with smartcards or FIDO2 tokens - security in the office, home office and on the move must always be effective and user-friendly.
Start now and protect your workplace today - simply, effectively and safely!
Certified smartcard solutions for risk-free security or simply be protected wirelessly via FIDO?
Click on your desired product to discover all the advantages!

Existing smartcards with photo ID
Smartcards with and without NFC function, plus FIDO function
To clip on or hang around
AirID has Bluetooth and USB functions! The NFC function of the card is retained.

AirID2 Mini
All organisations that require smartcard security but not photo identification
Smartcard solution for mini-SIM cards, plus FIDO function
On the key ring
AirID2 Mini is very small and uses integrated NFC, Bluetooth and USB functions.

Organisations that want passwordless login with FIDO2 and do not need smart cards
Hardware FIDO token for wireless FIDO2 authentication
To hang around your neck, pin on, in your pocket or on your key ring
AirID FIDO is the wireless solution for passwordless login and works beautifully with all FIDO2 systems, such as Microsoft Azure Active Directory, OKTA, etc.

Maximum security for your business thanks to patented hardware and advanced software solutions!

IT Security
We ensure strong IT security, with maximum user-friendliness and little effort for IT administration. The security and encryption of the AirID readers has been approved by the German Federal Office for Information Technology (BSI).

Security at all levels Your identity and all your confidential data are protected all around!
Our AirID products already provide security, effectiveness and ease of use for over 20,000 users, including major companies such as SIEMENS, Deutsche Bahn, Volkswagen, Porsche, the International Atomic Energy Agency, many German Federal Ministries, the German Parliament, the Office of the Federal President and many others.

AirID everywhere for daily use
Use AirID anywhere for everyday smart card applications - or simply use FIDO2 passwordless logon for secure logon to your computer, web service or other network.

"The AirID rounds off the solution portfolio of our partners for us as a solution distributor.Validated IT security combinations with other manufacturers offer concrete added value for our partners and their end customers."
sysob Distribution Markus Senbert

"The AirID brings the smartcard wirelessly to the user and the perfect symbiosis of security and UX."
Porsche AG Dennis Geib

"Thanks to AirID, I no longer have to manually plug in and unplug my ID card from my laptop, and it also increases data security by automatically locking when I leave my desk.For me, a significant improvement in my daily work."
Siemens Mobility GmbH Florian Kellenberger